Leon A. Wurl

 Posted by at 16:42

  One Response to “Leon A. Wurl”

  1. Neat photos! Sorry I missed the get-together but, you all know about my overactive work ethic. . .particularly going into an election.

    Can’t you just see Leon rubbing his hands together and diving into to recovering and upgrading the infrastructure from the flood?

    MY house is on a high spot so our area is fine. Fort Collins had roads, bridges and some low-lying housing closed but no major damage. Loveland got a lot of water from the Big Thompson. . .again. . .but they had learned a lot from the 1976 Big Thompson flood. Boulder is God awful and Longmont took a big hit. Estes Park really got hit; most of Drake and Glen Haven are gone, and most of the houses below Drake and Glen Haven (that the fools rebuilt after 1976) are gone again. Oddly enough, the Dam Store is still there and operational. The water went around it on all sides but the store is there. The road crews are quickly building an access road so the area people will have some place to restock.

    How are you doing?

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