Michael Patrick Quinn 24 Mar 1955 to 5 Sep 2009

 Posted by at 23:50

  4 Responses to “Michael Patrick Quinn 24 Mar 1955 to 5 Sep 2009”

  1. These are some of the folks who gathered at Miner’s Tavern in Erie, CO to say goodbye to one of the good guys.

    • Dear Vic and Cathy>>>>>

      So kind and extremely nice of you to think of Michael….including him in your web-site….we surely didn’t think he’d be gone so soon….Michael loved every Friend he ever had….and he loved you, lots!!! You were both so good to him…as many others were….too numerous to mention but we begin with dear Chuck, whom he grew up with in Chicago and went together for their big ‘adventure’, out to Colorado when they were very young….the rest is history..your history with him/them…..The photo of Michael, in the middle of this site, is one of our very favorites…I have a framed 8″x11″ of it in our house….taken on the day Michael and his twin (fraternal) brothers: Tom & Jim returned from their trip to England and Ireland…..Oh what a glorious time we 3 sisters had with them in celebration of their arrival….Whhwoo, as Michael would say!!!!

      Thank you for remembering Michael!!! We love You!!!
      MaryClaire and the Quinn Family xxxx

  2. And,….To Molly:….for so many good and wonderful times with Michael….and for the fun times you spent with us when we visited Colorado with Cailee & Ryan…they continue to have the ‘Horse-Shoes’ you made for them and remember you, fondly.

    Mary & Kurt

  3. Wow! Thanks for sending this. Now we’ll be able to “travel” with you. Happy trails!

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