l to r, back – May Adams, Alvin Jepson, Charles Deming Sr, Nina Roberts, front – Ruth Jepson, Cathy Deming, Charles Deming Jr., Eunice Cooley

File 2011/11/Alvin-Mary-Epson-Charles-Deming-Sr-Nina-Roberts-Ruth-Jepson-Cathy-Charles-Jr-Eunice-Deming1.jpg
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 Posted by at 19:38

  One Response to “l to r, back – May Adams, Alvin Jepson, Charles Deming Sr, Nina Roberts, front – Ruth Jepson, Cathy Deming, Charles Deming Jr., Eunice Cooley”

  1. Hi, I am looking for more info on Nina Roberts Deming. My husband, Doug Darling, is the great grandson of Hamlet Fairchild Roberts, grandson of Charles Waldo Roberts, Nina’s brother. Can you please identify which image in photo above is of Nina Roberts Deming? Thank you.

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