small traditional breakfast

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 Posted by at 20:17

  One Response to “small traditional breakfast”

  1. I am not big on posting pictures of food, but this is a telling photo. Traditional breakfast is a big thing in Ireland, perhaps because of tourists. Note that baked beans, mushrooms, and french fries are standard breakfast foods. Also, the strip of meat you see is what the Irish call bacon – rather like a piece of Canadian bacon with marbling. You can sometimes find American style bacon; it is called streaky bacon. And that egg is not fried, it was baked. In Ireland you order eggs two ways only – hard or runny; and runny is not very runny. Runny means something less done than over hard and more done than over easy. The sausage is something very near blood sausage, not everyone’s cup of tea. This was the small version of the traditional breakfast – really! The large version was a double portion of everything you see here. I can’t imagine consuming that much.

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