Pieter Botha at the Front Door

File 2017/09/Pieter-Botha-at-the-Front-Door.jpg
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 Posted by at 11:46

  One Response to “Pieter Botha at the Front Door”

  1. Pieter is the man to see at the Front Door on Dame Street in Dublin. You would think that martinis would be available most anywhere, but they are difficult to find everywhere in the UK and Ireland. Most barkeeps won’t even attempt one, but Pieter is a man who needs no instruction creating a thing of beauty with gin or vodka. And the Front Door has a nice selection of both, although they did not have any Tito’s. According to Pieter – the Americans drank it all. Also not to be ignored is the fact that they make pizza here that is so damn good, there should be another name for it.

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