04 Arches NP

File 2023/12/04-Arches-NP.jpg
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  One Response to “04 Arches NP”

  1. We travel in an admittedly haphazard fashion. While there may sometimes be a deadline or reservation to meet, that is not common. Usually, we stop anywhere and turn anyplace we wish with a preference for two lane blacktop and small towns with American Legions. With that in mind, we were in the neighborhood and so got in line to enter Arches National Park with a thought to spend the day. A sign to our immediate right informed us we were in position to enter the park in approximately one hour. As we slowly advanced, another sign questioned our reservation for entry. A quick query on the smart phone revealed that entry to Arches National Park was by reservation only – a reservation we did not possess. So this picture is as close as we got to Arches.

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