
File 2012/02/page0005.jpg
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 Posted by at 18:44

  2 Responses to “page0005”

  1. In this graphic the children of Anstiss Todd and Nehemiah Cooley are noted as John, James, and Charles. That information disagrees with the graphic titled Francis Sydney Cooley which notes those children as John, Sarah, Nehemiah, and James. But since the graphic for James Cooley agrees that the children of Anstiss Todd and Nehemiah Cooley are John, Charles, and James, that’s the way I coded my family tree.

  2. This page includes an entry for Ernest William Cooley, born in 1879. There is another entry for Ernest William Cooley, born 1879, on page 7 of this tree. Both entries have the same parents, so this is merely a duplicate entry.

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