2009 07 July pics




 Posted by at 22:49

  One Response to “2009 07 July pics”

  1. The end of July and start of August in 2009, Cathy and I took a couple Alaskan cruises. One cruise went north up the inside passage and the other was the same route in reverse. We were out for 2 miserable weeks. In those two weeks, we had perhaps 1 1/2 days of sunshine. It didn’t always rain, but it was cold, misty, foggy, cloudy, and was not at all enjoyable.

    This country was truly magnificent, when you could see it. Skagway is a good example. The first time we were there it was so overcast we almost didn’t get off the ship. When we came back south it was brighter and we could see the approach to Skagway. It is through a narrow fjord with towering mountains soaring close on both sides of the ship. Those mountains are rife with eagles and waterfalls and all sorts of scenery. The folks on our ship who only booked the cruise going north never saw this.

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